I always telling others that the people who I really admired when it comes in teaching world are my aunties and uncles. But they are not just the only people that I really inspired why I choose education course. For this blog, I'm going to share the other people I really admired when it comes in teaching world. 

First, my teacher when I was Senior High School. Ms. Glydelle Trapero. She shares a lot of her experiences during her college day, how she gives me a lot of motivational messages, advice and supporting me to all my achievements during my Senior High School. She's one of the reasons why I pursue my course. I really admire how she handle her students, how she gives us knowledge in our lesson. I'm so thankful that Ms. Glydelle is my adviser when I was Senior High School. Even though we don't have interaction lately. I know she is one of the people that really happy in my achievements. And when I become a Teacher, I want to become like her, such as a cool teacher, one of the favorite teachers they have. 

The second person that I really admire is Ms. Jenny M. Lizano. During my observation in her class, I saw how her students really like her teaching. and as a observer, I really like of being her soft spoken, how she calls her students "NAK", and I really admire her teaching strategies. that she always makes sure that all her students can participate to their class discussion. And during my observation on her class, she always gives me a tip, suggestions, and asking my insight what I learned during my observation. And lastly, after my final mock demonstration. She gives me a lot of comments that I can really apply in the future when I become a teacher. 

Lastly, the two critique teachers when I was deploying in public school. Ms. Czarisse Manicio and Mrs. Marjorie J. Abano. They are so much inspiration that I received to them. I really admire how Ms. Czarrise being bubbly when she starts her discussion. While Ma'AM Marjorie, I really like her teaching strategies. How she handles her emotions when her students starting to being MAKULIT and PASAWAY. And when we end our class discussion, they always asked my comments to their students' participation. At first, I really shocked how the students forgot their limitations on how they need to talk nicely to their teacher. But when Ma'am Marjorie gives me a chance to teach her English class, I realized that the students are so many needs of help when it comes to understand the English language. And when you they comfortable with you, they are so caring, sweet and ready to learn. 

Ans for those people who I really admire when it comes to teaching, thank you so much for all the time, effort, motivations, suggestions, advice that you gave me on how to become a teacher, 


  1. One day, you will also become an inspiration of a student to pursue the teaching field

  2. Hi ma'am grace thankyou for sharing this kind of blog this content is very interesting and inspiring ,Goodluck to your journey .Godbless

  3. Your journey is an inspiration to us, thank you for sharing!


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